Intelligent coffee with Astoria at the Caffè Culture show in London

The last 15 years have seen exponential growth in the consumption of espresso and cappuccino, even in the British Isles. Out-of-home consumption has become a fashion and a lifestyle. Whether  enjoyed on a break or taken on the go, cosmopolitan England has joined the ranks of countries where drinking espresso is becoming a deeply rooted tradition. This is why once again Astoria will participate in the London Caffè Culture Show.

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Spotlight on the new Settanta in Boston

Boston-2013-(1)The SCAA 2013 trade show was held in Boston, MA at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center from the 11st to the 14 th of April. This is the largest trade show that Astoria/General Espresso exhibits in.

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Astoria promotes the art of espresso at Hotelex Shanghai

IMG-20130402-00031If it’s true that since the time of Confucius the Chinese beverage of choice has been tea, it is also true that coffee is fast becoming a favorite in the local consumers’ market, benefiting from its wide dimensions and dynamic buying power. The main movers of this revolution are young people and more generally a public that is fascinated with new trends. Coffee is riding this wave to become  a sort of social drink, and people are enthusiastic about experimenting with the thousands of possible variations, from cappuccino, to lattes to creative beverages. There is also a growing interest in technology and design.

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